Law Office of Jacqueline Demarest

Immigration Lawyer

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Permanent Residence by Marriage
Removal of Conditions on Residence
U.S. Citizen filing for Child
U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident filing for spouse in the U.S. or overseas.

At Law Office of Jacqueline Demarest, we consider each individual's unique background and history to custom-tailor the best possible immigration case for our clients. 

Here are some of the services we provide:
Filing for Removal of Conditions appear to be simple; however, because denial of this can often result in removal proceedings, it is important the application is filed with utmost care. We have a strong track record of approved cases and of cases that we have corrected, resulting in the granting of permanent residence.
If the child is over 21, the case can take between 6 and 10 years, depending on the child's marital status. In these cases, being able to stay on top of changing immigration laws and current visa bulletin is as important as correctly submitting all required documents. 
U.S. Citizen filing for Sibling
U.S. Citizen filing for Fiance
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